How can I know what career I am interested in?

Career is something we all get confused about it at some point in life. There are too many paths. What should I choose? What should I choose that interest as well as offer a good amount of money? This will help you to know your interest in your career.

There is peer & family pressure too for adapting careers that most of the people are taking. It’s a cumbersome process but there are some points that I mentioned below to simplify your difficulties :

1. Make a list of your Options:

Assess yourself. Write down all the things that interest you. Analyze all the career options that you like. There are always few things that you like over other options. Give preferences to them only.

Now differentiate between your interest that makes as hobbies and which potential careers or jobs. For instance, you like painting or writing or knitting but are you skilled enough to sell your work? Could you make enough money to support yourself? If you are able to know this exactly, it will help you to know interest in your career.

2. Ask your mentor

When we proceed towards any career stage, we are novices. So, it’s necessary to consult your senior ones, they can be your teacher/parents or elder siblings. Experienced in any field can give you better advice.

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Before entering into any field, we must know about its both sides good as well as bad. We must know about it’s working, more opportunities in that field, how much progress you can do or enough money to support yourself. All the above choose job that grows you and empowers you. These aspects make our choice more crystal clear to us But remember, Don’t be in hurry for reaching to any conclusion.

3. Follow your curiosity:

After completing high school when I was about to enrol in college, there were too many courses that I could pursue such as engineering. Even my parents and teachers advised me of it. But I knew somewhere I didn’t want to do engineering or I had some interest in maths.

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I was not sure but my curiosity led me there. Even though we may not have a clear vision for our career but we probably curious about certain things that may or may not be obvious to us. It’s important to follow your curiosity & unveil your less obvious interest.

4. Don’t make money your primary Consideration:

Don’t think about money in any kind of career because maybe will get lots of money after getting but lack of satisfaction makes life mundane. Keep Satisfaction at prior. Ask yourself what excite as well as fears you? What kind of work you can do maximum hours without getting bored?

5. Do internships or Listen to informational Interviews or attend career seminars:

The experience of operating in any industry can also help you decide whether this interest makes significance as a career or is satisfactorily maintained as a hobby. The internship also gives you experience for your respective career choice.

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Informational interviews or career-related seminars can provide great insight into different careers or industries and you can also talk to people who, like you, have many interests, and see how they’ve been able to stay fulfilled.

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