How Kafka is used in real-time?

Apache Kafka is a framework that is useful for creating software with the streaming process. Kafka is open-source for you, you can create any software you wish to. And scala and java is the main language. So, the platforms help you to handle real-time data. It also helps you to look after highly rates information in one place. Apache Kafka can connect to any external system. It has a library, providing all the information. All the data and information is sent through Kafka external. Then, Kafka connects and provides details with data and other important information. Kafka is an easy way to handle information. The message groups together to reduce the overheated and hectic situation. You can subscribe to Kafka and use it.  You can use any number of applications.


The architecture of Kafka is very normal and easy to handle. You can find that the messages are from producers. It is safely processed. The data, you can divide it into two. Partitions and topics. In partition, you can put the messages within their producer’s names and subject. In topics, you can divide them and give them subjects according to their task or needs. So, the consumers can read the messages which are in the partition. So, this process is known as consumers. Then, there is an application that allows you to write. Then, the written application will send it back to the Kafka application. You can write java descriptions. The important thing is, Kafka can run on many servers. Moreover, Kafka provides writers who are transactional. Kafka can support two topics, regular and compact. The regular topics can be available within the time period.

So, if there is a lot of redemption or trouble it will take time. You should know that Kafka can delete files. So, that it can have free storage. In compact topics, the details or messages do not expire. You can find them where ever you kept them. In fact, there are five APIs in Kafka:


Gives permission to publish records of the stream. You will find it easy to work. The producers or the users can access permission to work and publish records easily.


So, in this, you can have permission to subscribe for topics and other processes running in the stream. All the streams are in recording motion and whenever you want to access it, you can.


It uses the reusable producer and consumer. Then, it connects the topics to their existing applications. It does not waste any of the topics without considering it again. Every topic is important.


The streams are important to produce. They create input and output sources to have results. The results can be available in any stream. Then, it is also available for input and output sources.


So, the admin manages the topics and other problems related to topics. The admin takes care of all the topics and other situations in the Kafka system.

So, the consumer and producer APIs are the topmost in the Kafka system. They manage to implement the message directly through the java clients. It is a binary protocol. You can write in any programming language. Then, you also write in any consumer or produced message.

Advantages of using kafka

First of all it can handle a large amount of data. It is highly valuable system. Then it can be subscribed into publishihng in the system. It can also handle high velocity of real time. The data can be message brokers. It also has high durable system core and it never can be changeable. Kafka can handel all the messages in a good condition. It is never late in its work.

Usage of Kafka in real-time

Is apache kafka used in real time? Real time is acutally a marketting term. So, the real time is used to know that how business can add value by performing data as soon as possible. This is useful for most of the software and product using vendors. So, we need to understan that what is real time actually?

It is a term used in computer technology and software systems to subject. Moreover it subjects the time event of system to respose. It has specifies time constraints. Then, there is also deadlines available for the event. So, sometimes kafka is real time or maybe not. For not everyone actually. There are many comments and definitions for kafka in real time. So, let us understand both the terms.

Kafka in real time

In real time kafka became the most valuable and standard process. So, in the IT world every one accepts this. In fact, kafka is able to work trillions of events every day. You should know that a kafka can produce thousands of message every second. If you have a good network and server. Then, you can create thousands of messages in second. Kafka is used by many companies around the world. They use kafka for many other purposes. So, it is a ecofriendly and it has a huge community.

Kafka in not-real time

In the world the kafka has a hard time or sometimes it has soft time. Some applications require hard time to get solved. So, the world where manufactures, and smart cities requires huge distinction. It requires frameworks and there are guidlines to work in the IT sector. In fact, most of the companies have both the times combined. They have real time as well as soft time.

Real time streaming of kafka

Publishing of data can be by an individual, host or a web host. Then, the kafka topic are divided into two partition. So, the publisher produces a message and data on a particular topic. The consumers use the topic and listen to them. Then, they consume all the data. The streaming is directly connecting to the kafka.

There is alot of correlation of data acorss the kafka system. It has patterns, streams and other sequences. It has syntax of langugage and other data to stream for consumers. Kafka system can be useful for software engineers and other producers to draft messages.