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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

This course is for anyone who wants to manage systems and configure applications efficiently in an easy simple way with the shortest learning curve.

Here you will get to learn the following topics

  • Ansible in real life use cases
  • Ansible troubleshooting of most common errors
  • Install Ansible in the most common operating system
  • Ansible code specific for RedHat-like
  • Debian-like systems

Here you will learn about the Ansible Engine and the implementation of Ansible Playbooks, It will teach you from the very basic level to the most advanced level. You will be taught about how to Install Ansible and Configure it with directory structure.

You will also be taught here on how to use operators and other work with conditional statements and other programming

This training will give you a perfect knowledge of automation tools which will definitely set you apart and help you in career growth. Ansible Playbooks are simple as they have human readable automation where no special coding skills are needed and the tasks are executed in order. It is also powerful is an app deployment which manages configuration and orchestrates the app life cycle.  And even if you want your career in DevOps this course is definitely worth learning. It gives you deep knowledge about everything mentioned here.

The course just requires a PC or a laptop with internet connection. There is no particular requirement in it however previous system administrator experience on other operating systems would be very beneficial.

It is designed in such a manner that anyone can be a professional in this field and can work across a broad area of disciplines to perform both administration tasks and in the domain of automation. Graduate students can also take up this course and make themselves skilled in this domain.

It will provide you with a great foundation for your future career. And will help you to understand it in a very clear manner without any doubts in depth. In short, those who are familiar with Computer science, programming languages, and operating systems will find satisfaction within it.

This course will prepare you for your stable bright upcoming future and it will provide you with a solid foundation of in-depth information that will benefit your future employment options.

So, don't put it off any longer! Join the course now and start developing with Ansible!

Course Content

Total: 68 lectures
  • Preview of the course: Automation using Ansible - Step by Step
  • Introduction: Story before Ansible or Any other configuration Management tools
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Ansible Installation and Configuration Part-1 (Installation)
  • Ansible Installation and Configuration Part-2 (Configuration)
  • Ansible Directory Structures
  • How to disable host key checking?
  • Inventory file with Groups and Group of Groups
  • Different locations of ansible.cfg file with priority
  • Review on Ansible Architecture
  • Installing Ansible Engine on RHEL 8
  • Introduction to Ad-hoc commands | Basic syntax for Ansible Ad-hoc commands
  • How Ansible Works? (Executing Ad-hoc commands or Playbooks)
  • Transfer a file from Ansible Engine to Nodes using copy module
  • Download a file from Ansible Managed Nodes to Ansible Engine
  • Create or Delete a file or directory on Managed Nodes
  • List of different modules to work with files
  • Install a package like git, httpd, mysql, git on Linux Systems using yum module
  • Command Module
  • Introduction to Ansible Facts
  • How to create and work with custom facts?
  • Inventory Types and Working with AWS EC2 Dynamic Inventory Script
  • Simple Custom Dynamic Inventory Script creation
  • Working with managed nodes using raw module
  • Working with Managed Nodes using a Password | Password Authentication
  • Executing Ansible tasks with default and different users on Managed Nodes
  • Basic introduction to Ansible variables
  • Introduction to Playbooks with task and play concepts
  • Writing Simple Playbooks for basic understanding
  • Basic Key Points to run Ansible Playbooks
  • Print any message (ex: welcome to Playbooks) using playbook?
  • Variable and data types
  • Data Structures/ Data Collections
  • Simple playbook to understand the usage of register and set_fact
  • How to read a variable and print using ansible playbook?
  • How to read a variable from yaml/json file?
  • Working with command line arguments
  • Working with Gather facts variables or setup module variables
  • Working with inventory_hostname and hostvars variables
  • Installing and using Visual Studio Code Editor for Ansible Playbooks
  • Arithmetic operators on numbers
  • Simple practice on Arithmetic Operators
  • Filters and Methods of Ansible Playbooks
  • Comparison operators
  • Membership operators and Test Operators
  • Logical operators
  • Settings for Ubuntu server to consider it as a Managed Node
  • How to use when conditional statement? (Explanation with simple playbook)
  • Inline conditional statement
  • Basic usage of Handlers
  • Introduction to loops
  • Working with tags and skip tags
  • Error Handling part 1
  • Error Handling with block and rescue part 2
  • Reusable tasks with import and include
  • Usage of local_action and delegate_to
  • Java and Tomcat installation and configuration using template module
  • Introduction to template module with variables
  • Template variables, conditional statements and loops
  • Ansible Environment setup for AWS Provisioning
  • Launch EC2 Instances with multiple security groups and Tags
  • Simple playbooks to start stop and terminate ec2 instances
  • Single playbook to start stop and terminate Instance
  • EC2 Tags help to start, stop and terminate instances
  • Cleanup Tag-less EC2 Instances using Playbooks
  • Generate CSV Reports using ansible Playbooks for ec2 Instances
  • Ansible-Vault
  • Converting a playbook into to Ansible Roles


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