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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

You are welcome to this course, if you wish to ascertain bash shell scripting skills and solving real-world problems like a pro.

In this course, you are going to learn how write down shell scripts that are used on Linux, Mac, and Unix Operating Systems. You will also learn to automate tasks using shell scripts and build complex scripts that make the most of advanced bash shell features.

The thing you’ll also consider in this course are, how shell scripts can be used for automating system administration and making choices on accepting user input.

One who has some basic understanding of Linux can enhance the Linux shall scripting skills.

Basically, you will be learning many scripts with real-life examples.

Command and syntax are same as these directly enters the instruction and therefore Bash shell scripting is useful. So, generally programmers do not switch to different syntax. It is far quicker and therefore you can start as fast as possible and can learn interactive debugging etc.

Here are some common topics that will be discussed later in the course

  • Strings
  • Variable
  • File Manipulation
  • Arrays
  • Wildcards
  • Environmental Variables

Things Required:

  • Basic Knowledge of Terminal
  • A Linux or Mac System fully configured with Linux terminal or GitBash Inside.

This course is for everyone who desires to have a good knowledge of Linux and also wants to give power to his career in the Linux field. Then, this course may fit you well enough. If you acquire such skills, you will be able to work easily with tedious tasks.

This course will provide you with a robust foundation, built with exertion, and determination, to your upcoming bright future. In short, those with skills and interests in Computer science, operating systems, programming languages or anything related will find satisfaction within this course, additionally as future opportunities you will not have considered before.

Course Content

Total: 112 lectures
  • Technical requirements
  • Types of Linux shells
  • What is bash scripting?
  • The bash command hierarchy
  • Preparing text editors for scripting
  • Creating and executing scripts
  • Declaring variables
  • Variable scope
  • Command substitution
  • Debugging your scripts
  • Creating Interactive Scripts
  • Technical requirements
  • Using echo with options
  • Basic script using read
  • Script comments
  • Enhancing scripts with read prompts
  • Limiting the number of entered characters
  • Controlling the visibility of the entered text
  • Passing options
  • Try to be standard
  • Enhancing learning with simple scripts
  • Conditions Attached
  • Technical requirements
  • Simple decision paths using command-line lists
  • Verifying user input with lists
  • Using the test shell built-in
  • Creating conditional statements using if
  • Extending if with else
  • Test command with the if command
  • More conditions with elif
  • Using case statements
  • Recipe – building a frontend with grep
  • Creating Code Snippets
  • Technical requirements
  • Abbreviations
  • Using code snippets
  • Creating snippets using VS Code
  • Alternative Syntax
  • Technical requirement
  • Recapping the test command
  • Providing parameter defaults
  • When in doubt – quote!
  • Advanced tests using [[
  • Arithmetic operations using ((
  • Iterating with Loops
  • Technical requirement
  • for loops
  • Advanced for loops
  • The IFS
  • Counting directories and files
  • C-style for loops
  • Nested loops
  • Redirecting loop output
  • while loops and until loops
  • Reading input from files
  • Creating operator menus
  • Creating Building Blocks with Functions
  • Technical requirements
  • Introducing functions
  • Passing parameters to functions
  • Variable scope
  • Returning values from functions
  • Recursive functions
  • Using functions in menus
  • Introducing the Stream Editor
  • Technical requirements
  • Using grep to display text
  • Understanding the basics of sed
  • Other sed commands
  • Multiple sed commands
  • Automating Apache Virtual Hosts
  • Technical requirements
  • Apache name-based Virtual Hosts
  • Automating virtual host creation
  • AWK Fundamentals
  • Technical requirements
  • The history behind AWK
  • Displaying and filtering content from files
  • AWK variables
  • Conditional statements
  • Formatting output
  • Further filtering to display users by UID
  • AWK control files
  • Regular Expressions
  • Technical requirements
  • Regular expression engines
  • Defining BRE patterns
  • Defining ERE patterns
  • Using grep
  • Summarizing Logs with AWK
  • Technical requirements
  • The HTTPD log file format
  • Displaying data from web logs
  • Displaying the highest ranking IP address
  • Displaying the browser data
  • Working with email logs
  • A Better lastlog with AWK
  • Technical requirements
  • Using AWK ranges to exclude data
  • Conditions based on the number of fields
  • Manipulating the AWK record separator to report on XML data
  • Using Python as a Bash Scripting Alternative
  • Technical requirements
  • What is Python?
  • Saying Hello World the Python way
  • Pythonic arguments
  • Supplying arguments
  • Counting arguments
  • Significant whitespace
  • Reading user input
  • Using Python to write to files
  • String manipulation


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