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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Currently, react is the most well-liked front-end library. it is simple to start with nonetheless it's totally capable even for building large-scale skilled web-applications. This course can offer you the best and simple ideas.

It teaches you React in-depth, from the bottom up, step by step by diving into all the core basics, exploring plenty of examples and additionally introducing you to advanced ideas additionally.  It additionally teaches you ReactJs during a practice-oriented means, exploitation all the most recent patterns and best practices you wish. you may learn all the key fundamentals additionally as advanced ideas and connected topics to show you into a React.js developer.

Here you may learn to make powerful, fast, easy and reactive net apps to supply superb user experiences by using the facility of JavaScript with ease and to use for high-paid jobs or work as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors you'll notice in net straight away and learn all regarding React Hooks and React parts.

You'll additionally learn what JSX is and the way it works behind the scenes, what squares measure the unsettled parts and once to use them. operating with perform based mostly and sophistication-based parts operating with React Modules, commerce and commerce the modules. You may additionally learn thoroughly regarding how the render methodology works and React part lifecycle and completely different life cycle ways.  It will help create dynamic websites with the facilitation of reusable parts and making a correct operating structure for a project from scratch which can maintain the project for the long run.

React is a superb tool to make interactive applications for mobile, web, and different platforms. React's quality and usage is increasing day by day. As a developer, writing in React causes you to be higher at JavaScript, a language that holds nearly ninetieth of the net development share these days.

It can offer you a powerful foundation, engineered with labour and determination. If y'all opt for any career choices in future concerning React Js, it'll be nice for you. In short, those with skills and interests in computer science, STEM, or something connected can notice satisfaction at InterVarsity this course, additionally as future opportunities you'll not have thought of before.

You just need to possess an honest understanding of HTML5, CSS3 and an honest information of JavaScript and trendy JavaScript - ES6

React Js came into existence in 2011, once Jordan Walke, an engineer at Facebook created the library. React is influenced by the likes of XHP that may be a straightforward hypertext mark-up language part framework for PHP. With time, react grew, and Facebook determined to create it open supply in could 2013 at JSConf North American nation.

It is for beginners and thus it easy to pick it up quickly. It can prepare you for a booming career in today’s world, and purpose them towards a path to success.

Course Content

Total: 180 lectures
  • Why React?
  • What is React?
  • React Features
  • What's new in React?
  • Rendering with JSX
  • Technical requirements
  • Your first JSX content
  • Rendering HTML
  • Describing UI structures
  • Creating your own JSX elements
  • Using JavaScript expressions
  • Fragments of JSX
  • Component Properties, State, and Context
  • Technical requirements
  • What is component state?
  • What are component properties?
  • Setting a component state
  • Passing property values
  • Stateless components
  • Container components
  • Providing and consuming context
  • Getting Started with Hooks
  • Technical requirements
  • Maintaining state using Hooks
  • Performing initialization and cleanup actions
  • Sharing data using context Hooks
  • Using reducer Hooks to scale state management
  • Event Handling - The React Way
  • Technical requirements
  • Declaring event handlers
  • Using event handler context and parameters
  • Declaring inline event handlers
  • Binding handlers to elements
  • Using synthetic event objects
  • Understanding event pooling
  • Crafting Reusable Components
  • Technical requirements
  • Reusable HTML elements
  • The difficulty with monolithic components
  • Refactoring component structures
  • Render props
  • Refactoring class components using Hooks
  • Rendering component trees
  • Feature components and utility components
  • The React Component Life Cycle
  • Technical requirements
  • Why components need a life cycle
  • Initializing properties and state
  • Optimizing rendering efficiency
  • Rendering imperative components
  • Cleaning up after components
  • Containing errors with error boundaries
  • Validating Component Properties
  • Technical requirements
  • Knowing what to expect
  • Promoting portable components
  • Simple property validators
  • Type and value validators
  • Writing custom property validators
  • Handling Navigation with Routes
  • Technical requirements
  • Declaring routes
  • Handling route parameters
  • Using link components
  • Code Splitting Using Lazy Components and Suspense
  • Technical requirements
  • Using the lazy API
  • Using the Suspense component
  • When to avoid lazy components
  • Lazy pages and routes
  • Server-Side React Components
  • Technical requirements
  • What is isomorphic JavaScript?
  • Rendering to strings
  • Backend routing
  • Frontend reconciliation
  • Fetching data
  • User Interface Framework Components
  • Technical requirements
  • Layout and organization
  • Using navigation components
  • Collecting user input
  • Working with styles and themes
  • Why React Native?
  • Technical requirements
  • What is React Native?
  • React and JSX are familar
  • The mobile browser experience
  • Android and iOS – different yet the same
  • The case for mobile web apps
  • Kick-Starting React Native Projects
  • Technical requirements
  • Installing and using the Expo command-line tool
  • Viewing your app on your phone
  • Viewing your app on Expo Snack
  • Building Responsive Layouts with Flexbox
  • Technical requirements
  • Flexbox is the new layout standard
  • Introducing React Native styles
  • Building Flexbox layouts
  • Navigating Between Screens
  • Technical requirements
  • Navigation basics
  • Route parameters
  • The navigation header
  • Tab and drawer navigation
  • Handling state
  • Rendering Item Lists
  • Technical requirements
  • Rendering data collections
  • Sorting and filtering lists
  • Fetching list data
  • Lazy list loading
  • Showing Progress
  • Technical requirements
  • Progress and usability
  • Indicating progress
  • Measuring progress
  • Navigation indicators
  • Step progress
  • Geolocation and Maps
  • Technical requirements
  • Where am I?
  • What's around me?
  • Annotating points of interest
  • Collecting User Input
  • Technical requirements
  • Collecting text input
  • Selecting from a list of options
  • Toggling between on and off
  • Collecting date/time input
  • Displaying Modal Screens
  • Technical requirements
  • Important information
  • Getting user confirmation
  • Passive notifications
  • Activity modals
  • Responding to User Gestures
  • Technical requirements
  • Scrolling with your fingers
  • Giving touch feedback
  • Swipeable and cancellable
  • Controlling Image Display
  • Technical requirements
  • Loading images
  • Resizing images
  • Lazy image loading
  • Rendering icons
  • Going Offline
  • Technical requirements
  • Detecting the state of the network
  • Storing application data
  • Synchronizing application data
  • Native UI Components Using NativeBase
  • Technical requirements
  • Application containers
  • Headers, footers, and navigation
  • Using layout components
  • Collecting input using form components
  • Displaying data using lists
  • Showing user notifications
  • Handling Application State
  • Technical requirements
  • Information architecture and Flux
  • Unified information architecture
  • Implementing Redux
  • Scaling the architecture
  • Why Apollo?
  • Yet another approach?
  • Verbose vernacular
  • Declarative data fetching
  • Mutating application state
  • Building an Apollo React App
  • Technical requirements
  • Todo and Apollo Client
  • The GraphQL schema
  • Bootstrapping Apollo Client
  • Adding todo items
  • Rendering todo items
  • Completing todo items


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