B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest engineering programs, and that is like by many students till today. During the program, the student learns how do heavy machines work and how to operate them.  Also understand the tactics of designing, analyzing, manufacturing, and maintaining mechanical components.

If you take the course then you will understand designing automobiles, electric motors, air crafts, and other heavy-duty transport. Basically, after completing the course you will be able to create and design each component like batteries, devices like athletic equipment, computer,  air conditioners, etc. 

In this specialized course, you will get and enhance all the crucial information like mechanics, Kinematics, Thermodynamics, Material Science, Analysis, and much more. This is one of the most demanding courses for the students and recruiters are also demand these graduates in high number. so doing this course can be extremely beneficial.

If you want to be a Btech in Mechanical engineering degree holder then it can be a great choice because you will get a high paid job, many diverse career opportunities, a reputed post in the organization, and a stable lifestyle.

The companies like BMW, Audi, General Motors Corp, Ford Motor,  etc are top recruiters for these degree holders.  Here you will work as a mechanical engineer, design engineer, project engineer, and more.