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  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
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  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Course Content

Total: 81 lectures
  • The Importance of Fertilizers in the World Food Chain
  • Fertilizer Market Characteristics
  • Fertilizer Consumption and Production
  • Soil Analysis
  • Plant Analysis
  • Design of Fertilizer Experiments
  • Field Plot Technique
  • Physical Response Measurements
  • Statistical Analysis of Fertilizer Response Data
  • Economic Analysis of Fertilizer Use Data
  • Liming in Relation to Cation Exchange Reactions and Plant Growth
  • Effects of Liming on Availability of Soil and Fertilizer Nutrients
  • Liming Effects on Microbial Reactions Important in Nutrient Availability
  • Toxicities of Plants in Acid Soils
  • Effect of Plant Species and Variety on Lime-Fertilizer Interactions
  • Nitrogen Transformations
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sulfur
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Effect of Flooding on the Soil
  • Reactions of Plant Nutrients in Flooded Soils
  • Fertilizer Use for Lowland Rice
  • Nitrogen in Nature
  • Commercial Dinitrogen Fixation Processes
  • Energy Requirements
  • Transportation and Marketing of Nitrogen Fertilizers
  • Transformations of Nitrogen Sources in Soils
  • Using Nitrogen Fertilizers
  • Conclusions
  • Concepts of Slow Release
  • Mode of Release
  • Commercial and Experimental Materials
  • Nitrogen Availability and Plant Response
  • Current and Projected Use of Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizers
  • Nitrification Inhibitors
  • Urease Inhibitors
  • Potentials and Research Needed
  • The Starting Point
  • Mining and Beneficiation
  • Phosphate Manufacture
  • Marketing of Phosphorus Fertilizers
  • Use of Phosphorus Fertilizers
  • Soil Factors Affecting Phosphorus Availability
  • Phosphorus Fertilizer Characteristics
  • Potassium Fertilizer Production
  • Marketing Potassium Fertilizers
  • Use of Potassium Fertilizers
  • Sulfur Sources
  • Sulfur Fertilizers
  • Marketing Sulfur Fertilizers
  • Forms of Sulfur in Soils and Their Utilization by Plants
  • Reactions of Sulfur Fertilizers in Soils
  • Predicting and Diagnosing the Need for Sulfur Fertilizers
  • Use of Sulfur Products as Soil Amendments
  • Production Method
  • Marketing
  • Methods and Rates of Application
  • Bulk-Blending Plants
  • Granulation Plants
  • Fluid Mixed Fertilizers
  • Satellite Plants .
  • Nutrient Sources and Quantities
  • Conclusions
  • Need for Improved Techniques
  • Fertilizer Efficiency as Influenced by Application Method
  • Fertilizer Placement with Reduced Tillage
  • Fertilizer Application with Irrigation
  • Combined Fertilizer-Pesticide Applications
  • Foliar Fertilization
  • Future Improvements in Application Techniques
  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Atmospheric Concerns About Nitrogen Fertilizer
  • The Accumulation of Cadmium in Soil when Added as a Contaminant of Phosphate Fertilizers
  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Factors Involved in the Soil-Plant-Animal System .
  • Specific Effects of Fertilizers on the Nutritional Quality of Plants
  • General Aspects of Fertilizer Use and Human and Animal Nutrition
  • Summary and Future Needs


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