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  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Do you Want to discover the concept of Go Language namely Golang which is a statically typed compiled programming language? Then you are absolutely looking for the right course.

Go is easy to learn and is expanding rapidly which is backed up by Google and many large companies like Uber, Alibaba and Docker adopted it.

Go Programming language namely Golang is a multi-paradigm, object oriented, concurrent imperative designed by Ken Thompson, Rob pike, Robert Greisemer and it first appeared in 2009 developed by The Go Authors. The main aim of creating Go was to combine the features which are best of other programming languages.

In this course, we will be discussing many topics like data types, formats, protocols and writing codes which incorporate JSON and RFCs. Go is mainly used as it facilitates compilation faster unlike some of the other common languages.

The amount of runtime Errors are reduced in Go and the building web applications with Golang.

Throughout this course you will understand Go syntax, Go Testing, and Go Directory Structure, concurrency and Built in Types, Go user defined types, testing Moreover, building, Go standard packages, Methods and interfaces in Go and how to build a complete project in Go. You will also be taught how to access a valuable code base.

Moreover, Go is a basic language to understand which allows new programmers to take up the language fast. These days Go is best suited to networked services which are needed to scale. Go helps developers develop scalable and secure web applications.

You will just require the basic knowledge of other programming languages like JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Python or similar.

This course is for interested students who are opting Computer Science engineering, Programmers, Web developers, Software developers or anyone who is interested in Go. If you have an interest in languages that make parallelism and concurrency part of the Language, then Go is definitely worth learning. This course will provide you with a way to enhance your career, a stable job Or a career path.

Go is gaining more and more popularity, and becoming an attractive skill as well. This Course will give you a strong foundation to your concepts and ideas which will give you further options for your upcoming bright career and can prepare you for a stable future Career in today's world and can take you on the way of success. This training will open Up more work prospects for you, and you will be able to see your future becoming more secure. So don't waste any more time and enrol in this course now.

Course Content

Total: 172 lectures
  • The history of Go
  • Where is Go going?
  • The advantages of Go
  • Compiling Go code
  • Executing Go code
  • Two Go rules
  • Downloading Go packages
  • UNIX stdin, stdout, and stderr
  • About printing output
  • Using standard output
  • Getting user input
  • About error output
  • Writing to log files
  • Error handling in Go
  • Using Docker
  • Understanding Go Internals
  • The Go compiler
  • Garbage collection
  • Calling C code from Go
  • Calling Go functions from C code
  • The defer keyword
  • Panic and recover
  • Two handy UNIX utilities
  • Your Go environment
  • The go env command
  • The Go assembler
  • Node trees
  • Finding out more about go build
  • Creating WebAssembly code
  • General Go coding advice
  • Working with Basic Go Data Types
  • Numeric data types
  • Go loops
  • Go arrays
  • Go slices
  • Go maps
  • Go constants
  • Go pointers
  • Times and dates
  • Measuring execution time
  • The Uses of Composite Types
  • About composite types
  • Structures
  • Tuples
  • Regular expressions and pattern matching
  • Strings
  • The switch statement
  • Calculating Pi with high accuracy
  • Developing a key-value store in Go
  • Go and the JSON format
  • Go and the YAML format
  • How to Enhance Go Code with Data Structures
  • About graphs and nodes
  • Algorithm complexity
  • Binary trees in Go
  • Hash tables in Go
  • Linked lists in Go
  • Doubly linked lists in Go
  • Queues in Go
  • Stacks in Go
  • The container package
  • Generating random numbers
  • Generating secure random numbers
  • Performing matrix calculations
  • Solving Sudoku puzzles
  • What You Might Not Know About Go Packages and Functions
  • About Go packages
  • About Go functions
  • Developing your own Go packages
  • Go modules
  • Creating good Go packages
  • The syscall package
  • The go/scanner, go/parser, and go/token packages
  • Text and HTML templates
  • Reflection and Interfaces for All Seasons
  • Type methods
  • Go interfaces
  • Writing your own interfaces
  • Reflection
  • Object-oriented programming in Go
  • An introduction to git and GitHub
  • Debugging with Delve
  • Telling a UNIX System What to Do
  • About UNIX processes
  • The flag package
  • The viper package
  • The cobra package
  • The io.Reader and io.Writer Interfaces
  • The bufio package
  • Reading text files
  • Reading a specific amount of data
  • The advantages of binary formats
  • Reading CSV files
  • Writing to a file
  • Loading and saving data on disk
  • The strings package revisited
  • About the bytes package
  • File permissions
  • Handling UNIX signals
  • Programming UNIX pipes in Go
  • About syscall.PtraceRegs
  • Tracing system calls
  • User ID and group ID
  • The Docker API and Go
  • Concurrency in Go – Goroutines, Channels, and Pipelines
  • About processes, threads, and goroutines
  • Goroutines
  • Waiting for your goroutines to finish
  • Channels
  • Pipelines
  • Race conditions
  • Comparing Go and Rust concurrency models
  • Comparing Go and Erlang concurrency models
  • Concurrency in Go – Advanced Topics
  • The Go scheduler revisited
  • The select keyword
  • Timing out a goroutine
  • Go channels revisited
  • Shared memory and shared variables
  • Revisiting the go statement
  • Catching race conditions
  • The context package
  • Code Testing, Optimization, and Profiling
  • About optimization
  • Optimizing Go code
  • Profiling Go code
  • The go tool trace utility
  • Testing Go code
  • Testing an HTTP server with a database backend
  • Benchmarking Go code
  • A simple benchmarking example
  • Benchmarking buffered writing
  • Finding unreachable Go code
  • Cross-compilation
  • Creating example functions
  • From Go code to machine code
  • Generating documentation
  • Using Docker images
  • The Foundations of Network Programming in Go
  • About net/http, net, and http.RoundTripper
  • About TCP/IP
  • About IPv4 and IPv6
  • The nc(1) command-line utility
  • Reading the configuration of network interfaces
  • Performing DNS lookups
  • Creating a web server in Go
  • HTTP tracing
  • Creating a web client in Go
  • Timing out HTTP connections
  • The Wireshark and tshark tools
  • gRPC and Go
  • Network Programming – Building Your Own Servers and Clients
  • Working with HTTPS traffic
  • The net standard Go package
  • A TCP client
  • A TCP server
  • A UDP client
  • Developing a UDP server
  • A concurrent TCP server
  • Creating a Docker image for a Go TCP/IP server
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
  • Doing low-level network programming
  • Machine Learning in Go
  • Calculating simple statistical properties
  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Anomaly detection
  • Neural networks
  • Outlier analysis
  • Working with TensorFlow
  • Talking to Kafka


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