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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Are you super interested in learning Google Cloud Platform from the very basic to advanced levels? Then this course got you covered! Google Cloud Platform is one of the fastest growing cloud platforms among the industries.

In this course you will learn about the case for cloud computing, genesis, why Google Cloud Platform (GCP)? Autoscaling and auto healing, what are the capital expenditure (CAPEX) versus operating expenses (OPEX) and career implications. You will be introduced with Google Cloud Platform, Global, regional, and zonal resources, how to access the Google Cloud Platform, all projects and billing, how to set up a GCP account and using the Cloud Shell. You will also know about Compute Choices like:

  • VMs and the Google Compute Engine
  • Google Compute Engine – GCE
  • Persistent disks and local SSDs – block storage for GCE
  • More on working with GCE VMs
  • Modifying GCE VMsGKE, App Engine, and Cloud Functions
  • GKE
  • Creating a Kubernetes cluster and deploying a WordPress container
  • Using the features of GKE
  • Google App Engine – flexible
  • Google App Engine – standard

You will be also taught about relational databases, big query, how to identify and access management, how to manage Hadoop with dataproc, how to balance loads, then what is networking in GCP, logging and monitoring, automation of infrastructure, what are the securities on the GCP, pricing considerations and effective use of the GCP. All these topics are discussed in a very to the point manner and given in step by steps.

You will require just an active GCP account, a basic knowledge of the concepts of operating systems, appreciation of concepts such as REST APIs, and NoSQL databases. This course is designed in such a way everyone with zero knowledge can take this course as it is discussed from very basic.

This is a very comprehensive and concise course and you will not regret it after taking this course. So, enroll your name in this course and start questing with Google Cloud platform.

Course Content

Total: 129 lectures
  • The Case for Cloud Computing
  • Genesis
  • Why Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
  • Autoscaling and autohealing
  • Capital expenditure (CAPEX) versus operating expenses (OPEX)
  • Career implications
  • Introduction to Google Cloud Platform
  • Global, regional, and zonal resources
  • Accessing the Google Cloud Platform
  • Projects and billing
  • Setting up a GCP account
  • Using the Cloud Shell
  • Compute Choices – VMs and the Google Compute Engine
  • Google Compute Engine – GCE
  • Persistent disks and local SSDs – block storage for GCE
  • More on working with GCE VMs
  • Modifying GCE VMs
  • GKE, App Engine, and Cloud Functions
  • GKE
  • Creating a Kubernetes cluster and deploying a WordPress container
  • Using the features of GKE
  • Google App Engine – flexible
  • Google App Engine – standard
  • Google Cloud Storage – Fishing in a Bucket
  • Knowing when (and when not) to use GCS
  • Serving Static Content with GCS Buckets
  • Storage classes–Regional, multi-regional, nearline, and coldline
  • Working with GCS buckets
  • Creating buckets
  • Transferring data in and out of buckets
  • Use case – Object Versioning
  • Use case – object life cycle policies
  • Use case – restricting access with both ACLs and IAM
  • Use case – signed and timed URLs
  • Use case – reacting to object changes
  • Use case – using customer supplied encryption keys
  • Use case – auto-syncing folders
  • Use case – mounting GCS using gcsfuse
  • Use case – offline ingestion options
  • Relational Databases
  • Relational databases, SQL, and schemas
  • GCP Cloud SQL
  • Use case – managing replicas
  • Use case – managing certificates
  • Use case – operating Cloud SQL through VM instances
  • Automatic backup and restore
  • Cloud Spanner
  • NoSQL Databases
  • NoSQL databases
  • Cloud Bigtable
  • Creating and operating an HBase table using Cloud Bigtable
  • Scaling GCP Cloud BigTable
  • The Google Cloud Datastore
  • Comparison with traditional databases
  • Working with Datastore
  • Full indexing and perfect index
  • BigQuery
  • Underlying data representation of BigQuery
  • BigQuery public datasets
  • Legacy versus standard SQL
  • Working with the BigQuery console
  • Loading data into a table using BigQuery
  • Deleting datasets
  • Working with BigQuery using CLI
  • BigQuery pricing
  • Analyzing financial time series with BigQuery
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Resource hierarchy of GCP
  • Permissions and roles
  • Managing Hadoop with Dataproc
  • Hadoop and Spark
  • Hadoop on the cloud
  • Google Cloud Dataproc
  • Compute options for Dataproc
  • Working with Dataproc
  • Load Balancing
  • Why load balancers matter now
  • Taxonomy of GCP load balancers
  • HTTP(S) load balancing
  • Configuring HTTP(S) load balancing
  • Configuring Internal Load Balancing
  • Other load balancing
  • Networking in GCP
  • Why GCP's networking model is unique
  • VPC networks and subnets
  • The default VPC
  • Internal and external IP addresses
  • VPN and cloud router
  • Working with VPCs
  • Working with custom subnets
  • Working with firewall rules
  • Logging and Monitoring
  • Logging
  • Monitoring
  • Infrastructure Automation
  • Managed Instance Groups
  • Cloud deployment manager
  • Security on the GCP
  • Security features at Google and on the GCP
  • Google-provided tools and options for security
  • Some security best practices
  • BeyondCorp – Identity-Aware Proxy
  • Pricing Considerations
  • Compute Engine
  • BigTable
  • BigQuery
  • Datastore
  • Cloud SQL
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Pub/Sub
  • Cloud ML Engine
  • Stackdriver
  • Video Intelligence API
  • Key Management Service – KMS
  • Vision API
  • Effective Use of the GCP
  • Eat the Kubernetes frog
  • Careful that you don't get nickel-and-dimed
  • Pay for what you allocate not what you use
  • Make friends with the gsuite admins
  • Try to find reasons to use network peering
  • Understand how sustained use discounts work
  • Read the fine print on GCS pricing
  • Use BigQuery unless you have a specific reason not to
  • Use pre-emptible instances in your Dataproc clusters
  • Keep your Dataproc clusters stateless
  • Understand the unified architecture for batch and stream
  • Understand the main choices for ML applications
  • Understand the differences between snapshots and images


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