What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Welcome to the course, " Certificate in Horticulture " which is an art of cultivating plants converting it into a garden which afterwards produces foods, fruits, medicinal ingredients. You will also learn its types under which they are divided into. You are also going to learn many examples from here. So you will learn about all these in the course.

You will learn many things in this course like four types of horticulture and more like :

  • Olericulture
  • Pomology
  • Viticulture
  • Floriculture

You will also learn the comparison between agriculture and horticulture, the work of a horticulturist, you will also know whether it is a good career or not and their given branches. The areas which are suitable for gardening. 

You can complete this course in no time. This course is a very concise and comprehensive course designed in such a way that everything is mentioned in detail here. 

This course has no prerequisite requirements, just you need a basic concept to understand this course but not a big deal if you haven't. 

This course is for anyone who wants to learn Horticulture, Horticulturist, Agriculturist, Or any students related to plants or gardens. If you are interested in connecting with greenery you can also take this course.  You will absolutely love this topic even more than you did. 

So are you waiting further? Enroll your name now.

Course Content

Total: 18 lectures
  • Introduction
  • Horticulture and its Importance
  • Features and importance
  • Present status of horticultural crops in India
  • Prospects of horticultural crops in India\
  • Employment opportunities in horticulture
  • Pomology
  • Olericulture
  • Floriculture
  • Post-harvest technology
  • Classification of vegetable crops
  • Important horticultural operations
  • System of training
  • Precautions taken during the training of fruit trees
  • Objectives of pruning
  • Staking in tomato crop
  • Possibilities of vegetable cultivation in India
  • Importance of vegetables in human diet


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