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  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

If you're interested in learning more about Kotlin, a free, open source, statically typed pragmatic programming language. Then this is the course for you to take. Learn Kotlin and design Android apps from the ground up to become a Kotlin Android developer who will flourish in the future.

Kotlin is a brand-new, cutting-edge programming language. Google has designated Kotlin Android as the official language for Android development. As a result, it is a language that every Android developer should be familiar with.

On February 15, 2016, Kotlin was released. This is the first version that is believed to be stable. Google declared in 2019 that Kotlin is now the most desirable and preferable programming language for the developers of Android Apps.

From beginner to expert, it will teach you the Kotlin programming language with an emphasis on its importance. You'll also learn how to use Android Studio to convert Java code to Kotlin, as well as the Kotlin language conventions.

Kotlin is simple to learn for anyone with previous development expertise; understanding and learning Kotlin will be a breeze. The syntax and design of Kotlin are both simple to understand and powerful to use. This is one of the main reasons why Kotlin has superseded Java as the preferred language for developing Android apps.

Kotlin is a language that is well worth learning. It is one of the best JVM languages. In 2021, Kotlin is the best language for Android development. Although both Java and Kotlin can be used to create high-performance apps, Google libraries, documentation, and learning resources continue to favour Kotlin, making it the preferred language for Android app development today.

All you'll need is a computer that runs Microsoft Windows or Linux, or a Mac that runs OS X. It is not necessary to have any prior programming experience. This course will teach you everything you need to know.

It is for anyone interested in learning how to create Android apps using Kotlin.

This course will give you a solid foundation of in-depth knowledge that will help you with your future job prospects.

So don't procrastinate any longer! Begin your quest to become a Kotlin programmer by enrolling in the course now.

Course Content

Total: 86 lectures
  • Install the Java JDK 8
  • Install Android Studio
  • Set Up a Project in Android Studio
  • Introduction
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Null Safety in Kotlin
  • Conditionals: "if" Expressions
  • Conditionals: "when" Expressions
  • Collections
  • for Loops
  • while Loops
  • Functions
  • Get Ready for Serious Kotlin Coding (Set up IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Create a main() Function
  • Named Arguments & Default Parameter Values
  • Exceptions
  • Why No Checked Exceptions?
  • Introduction
  • What is Functional Programming?
  • Functional Programming II
  • Lambdas & Higher-Order Functions
  • Use map() and flatMap()
  • Use take () and drop()
  • Use zip ()
  • Chain Functions Together
  • Lazy Sequences
  • Case Study: Performance of Lazy Sequences
  • Code Along: Infinite Lazy Sequence of All Prime Numbers
  • Use "let" Operator for Scoping and Nullables
  • Use "with" for Many Calls on the Same Object
  • Use "use" for Closeable (like try-with-resources)
  • Inline Functions
  • Introduction
  • Classes
  • Properties with Getters & Setters
  • Primary and Secondary Constructors
  • Methods
  • Extension Functions
  • Data Classes
  • Enums
  • Inheritance
  • Code Along: Inheritance Example
  • Abstract Classes
  • Interfaces
  • Overriding Rules
  • Smart Casts
  • Visibilities
  • Companion Objects for "Static" Members
  • Object Declarations as Singletons
  • Packages and Imports
  • Generic Classes
  • Generic Functions
  • Covariance
  • Covariance: Java vs Kotlin
  • Covariance vs. Contra variance: "out" and "in"
  • Introduction
  • Create the App Project
  • Understand the Android Versions
  • Create a CardView Layout and Add UI Elements
  • Use the "Kotlin Android Extensions"
  • Challenge Solution
  • Introduction
  • What is a RecyclerView?
  • Create the Data Class "Habit"
  • Implement the "HabitsAdapter" - Part I
  • Implement the "HabitsAdapter" - Part II
  • Implement the "HabitsAdapter" - Part III
  • Introduction
  • Add a Menu
  • Add a Second Activity
  • Use Intents to Switch Activities
  • Challenge Solution
  • Let Users Choose an Image
  • Get the Selected Image Back (onActivityResult)
  • Show Error Messages to the User
  • Code Along: An Extension Function for "EditText"
  • Introduction
  • Introducing SQLite
  • Define the Contracts
  • Implement the Database Helper
  • Store a Habit to SQLite
  • Implementing Secure Transactions (that support Rollback)
  • Clean Code: Improving Transactions in Kotlin
  • Clean Code: Further Improving Transactions and Performance
  • Store the Habit in "CreateHabitActivity"
  • Read All Habits from SQLite


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