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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Are you seeking a qualification that will boost your career? If you're looking to advance your knowledge and experience in industrial relations, we have the perfect option. Our Diploma in Industrial Relations is designed to build on your existing skills and knowledge, whilst providing you with the right skills and knowledge to progress further within the world of I/R.

The course will equip you with the skills needed to understand and manage industrial relations issues. It explores the principles of modern industrial relations and how these are applied in practice, with particular emphasis on employment law and labour law.

The course will help you to:

  • Understand the principles of industrial relations and how these are applied in practice

  • Explain the historical development and implementation of employment law, including its relationship with labour law

  • Explain how employment law is enforced by government agencies

Our Diploma in Industrial Relations covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Introduction to industrial relations law and practice

  • Labour law and industrial relations

  • Collective bargaining

  • Industrial disputes resolution

Course Content

Total: 64 lectures
  • Introduction
  • The Centrality of Work to Society and Business
  • An Industrial Relations Perspective
  • Studying Employment in Transition
  • Changing Work, Employment and Regulation
  • The Resilience of Industrial Relations Approaches
  • The Structure of the Book
  • Coordination, Governance and Industrial Relations
  • Types of Policy and Practice and Varieties of Capitalism
  • Flexibility and Security in British Employment
  • How Distinctive is the British Model?
  • Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Industrial Relations
  • The EU and its Role in Employment Regulation
  • The EU Institutions
  • Britain in Europe
  • Key Areas of EU Influence on British Industrial Relations
  • HRM: A Case of More of the Same?
  • Permanent Restructuring?
  • The Resource - based View versus the Firm as a Nexus of Contracts
  • Future Prospects
  • The State in Theory and Practice
  • Globalization, Politics and the Nation State
  • New Labour and Varieties of Capitalism
  • The State, Governance and Labour Relations
  • Workers’ Interests
  • Union Power
  • Union Decline
  • New Labour and the Changing Environment
  • Union Renewal Efforts
  • The State as Employer
  • Public Sector Employment
  • Reforms of Pay Determination
  • Pay Modernization and Workforce Reform
  • The Challenge of Modernization
  • Defining the Private Sector
  • The Importance of Sector Context
  • Distinguishing Private Sectors
  • Industrial Relations in the Privatized Sectors
  • Industrial Relations in the Manufacturing Sectors
  • Industrial Relations in the Service Sectors
  • Multinational Britain
  • The Contingencies Shaping MNCs ’ Practice
  • Labour’s Response
  • Transnational Structures and Regulation
  • Contextualizing Small Firm Industrial Relations
  • Empirical progress
  • Developing a Framework
  • The Rise and Retreat of Collective Bargaining
  • The Causes of Collapse
  • The Pressure of Competition
  • The Changing Character of Collective Bargaining
  • Conclusions
  • Workplace Representation
  • The Growth of a Statutory System of Employee Representation
  • Partnership and Mutual Gains
  • Where to from Here?
  • Voluntarism and the Growth of Legal Intervention
  • Individual Rights
  • Collective Rights
  • The Demise of Voluntarism
  • The Growth and Impact of Legal Regulation
  • Varieties of Legal Institutions
  • Legal Institutions in Liberal Market Britain
  • Conclusions


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