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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Want to build a fully functional eCommerce website from scratch? There are several courses related to e-commerce, but many of them use a plugin that is not the thing to be considered if you build a high-end application for shopping or an eCommerce cart. Thus, in this MERN Ecommerce from Scratch, you will learn to build a functional application from scratch. This course will learn about full-featured shopping carts and build a custom e-commerce platform using MongoDB, Node, Redux, and React. If you are interested in this modern e-commerce course, you should know that you will get 100 percent actual project built-in linear and progressive way. Aside from this, you will get a complete understanding of how you can add PayPal and plastic cards to your shopping carts, and we will also teach you about product ratings and reviews. You will get an understanding of the product search bar, carousel, and much more. 

Along with these, you will gain information about functional components and hooks with react and react-router. And after completion of the program, you will have a complete understanding of reacting and bootstrap UI library and structural components. You will also understand customer error handlers, create authentic customer middleware, and more. This course stays at this level and lets you know how to deploy the project in the real world. So, if you are ready to get hands-on, you should take admission in this modern e-commerce from the scratch course.  And when you complete the course successfully, you will get a valid certificate. Along with you will have a complete understanding to work on independent projects, so get this program now.

Course Content

Total: 89 lectures
  • Welcome to the Course
  • ProShop Project Demo
  • Resources and Environment
  • Setting up React and Initializing Git
  • React-Bootstrap Setup, Header and Footer Components
  • HomeScreen Product Listing
  • Rating Component
  • Implementing React Router
  • Product Details Screen
  • Front-end/Back-end Workflow and Explanation
  • Serving Products – Back-end Routes
  • Fetching Products from React (useEffect)
  • Nodemon and Concurrently Setup
  • Environment Variables
  • ECMAScript (ES) Modules in Node.js
  • MongoDB Atlas and Compass Setup
  • Connecting to the Database
  • Adding Colors to the Console (Optional)
  • Modeling our Data
  • Preparing Sample Data
  • Data Seed Script
  • Fetching Products from the Database
  • Getting Started with Postman
  • Custom Error Handling
  • An Overview of Redux
  • Creating a Redux Store
  • Product List Reducer and Action
  • Bringing Redux State into HomeScreen - useDispatch and useSelector
  • Message and Loader Components
  • Product Details Reducer and Action
  • Quantity Select and Add to Cart Button
  • Cart Reducer and Add to Cart Action
  • Add to Cart Functionality
  • Cart Screen
  • Remove Items from the Cart
  • Clean up using Controllers
  • User Authentication Endpoint
  • JASON Web Token (JWT)
  • Generate a JSON Web Token (JWT)
  • Custom Authentication Middleware
  • Saving the Token in Postman
  • User Registration and Password Encryption
  • User Login Reducer and Action
  • User Login Screen and Functionality
  • Show the User in Navbar and Logout
  • User Register Reducer, Action, and Screen
  • Update Profile Endpoint
  • Profile Screen and Getting User Details
  • Updating User Profile
  • Shipping Screen and Save Address
  • Checkout Steps Component
  • Payment Screen and Save Payment Method
  • Place Order Screen
  • Order Controller and Route
  • Creating an Order
  • Getting an Order by ID Endpoint
  • Order Details Reducer and Action
  • Order Screen
  • Updating the Paid Endpoint
  • Order Pay Reducer and Action
  • Adding PayPal Payments
  • Showing Orders on the Profile
  • User Details and Orders Reset
  • Admin Middleware and Getting Users Endpoint
  • Admin User List
  • Admin Screen Access Security
  • Deleting the Admin User
  • Getting a User by ID and Updating User Endpoints
  • User Edit Screen and Getting User Details
  • Updating the User Functionality
  • Admin Product List
  • Deleting Admin Products
  • Creating and Updating Product Endpoints
  • Creating an Admin Product
  • Editing the Product Screen
  • Updating an Admin Product
  • Image Upload Config and Endpoint
  • Front-end Image Upload
  • Admin Order List
  • Marking an Order as Delivered
  • Morgan and Creating Review Endpoint
  • Front-end Product Reviews
  • Product Search
  • Product Pagination
  • Creating a Products Carousel
  • Custom Page Titles and Meta
  • Preparing for Deployment
  • Deploying to Heroku
  • Bug Fix: Updating the Navbar Name


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