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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Do you also want to be a react developer? This reacts developer training is for you because the program's duration is money year, and it allows you to get deeper into the concepts. This is the complete react developer course and helps you get good placement in popular companies like IBM, Tesla, Google, Amazon, Apple, and many other MNC companies. This course is specially designed to tell you how you can build and launch react web applications. During the course, you will learn beginner to advanced level codes to build a final product. So, if you take this course, you can develop, test, and deploy real-world production applications. We will provide you with high-quality video content with easy-to-understand language. With that, you will learn all the essential and practical topics of reacting developers such as React v16, React hooks, the context API, and much more.

Why should you take this complete react developer course?

  • If you want to get comprehensive and real-world knowledge, this course is a great option.
  • You will get certified and get a government-approved certificate in react developer course completion.
  • You will understand how to set up and install libraries. Asides from this you will also be able to work with them.
  • If you want to master react, redux, react-router and other react developer components, and you know what you should do.
  • By the end, you will be able to develop the production application and launch it successfully.

Course Content

Total: 198 lectures
  • Section Intro: Setting up Your Environment
  • Installing Visual Studio Code
  • Installing Node.js & Yarn
  • Section Intro: Hello React
  • Setting up a Web Server
  • Hello React
  • Setting up Babel
  • Exploring JSX
  • JSX Expressions
  • Conditional Rendering in JSX
  • ES6 Aside: const and let
  • ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions
  • ES6 Aside: Arrow Functions Part II
  • Events and Attributes
  • Manual Data Binding
  • Forms and Inputs
  • Arrays in JSX
  • Picking an Option
  • Build It: Visibility Toggle
  • Section Intro: React Components
  • Thinking in React
  • ES6 Classes: Part I
  • ES6 Classes: Part II
  • Creating a React Component
  • Nesting Components
  • Component Props
  • Events & Methods
  • Method Binding
  • What Is Component State?
  • Adding State to Counter App: Part I
  • Adding State to Counter App: Part II
  • Alternative setState Syntax
  • Build It: Adding State to VisibilityToggle
  • Indecision State: Part I
  • Indecision State: Part II
  • Summary: Props vs. State
  • Section Intro: Stateless Functional Components
  • The Stateless Functional Component
  • Default Prop Values
  • React Dev Tools
  • Removing Individual Options
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Saving and Loading Options Data
  • Saving and Loading the Count
  • Section Intro: Webpack
  • What Is Webpack?
  • Avoid Global Modules
  • Installing & Configuring Webpack
  • ES6 import/export
  • Default Exports
  • Importing npm Modules
  • Setting up Babel with Webpack
  • One Component per File
  • Source Maps with Webpack
  • Webpack Dev Server
  • ES6 class properties
  • Section Intro: Using a Third-Party Component
  • Passing Children to Component
  • Setting up React-Modal
  • Bonus: Refactoring Other Stateless Functional Components
  • Section Intro: Styling React
  • Setting up Webpack with SCSS
  • Architecture and Header Styles
  • Reset That $#!*
  • Theming with Variables
  • Big Button & Options List
  • Styling the Options List
  • Styling Option Item
  • Styling React-Modal
  • Mobile Considerations
  • Bonus: Favicon
  • Section Intro: React Router
  • Server vs. Client Routing
  • Setting Up Budget App
  • React-Router 101
  • Setting up a 404
  • Linking Between Routes
  • Organizing Our Routes
  • Query Strings and URL Parameters
  • Build It: Router for Portfolio Site
  • Section Intro: Redux
  • Why Do We Need Something Like Redux?
  • Setting up Redux
  • Dispatching Actions
  • Subscribing and Dynamic Actions
  • ES6 Object Destructuring
  • ES6 Array Destructuring
  • Refactoring and Organizing
  • Reducers
  • Working with Multiple Reducers
  • ES6 Spread Operator in Reducers
  • Spreading Objects
  • Wrapping up Our Reducers
  • Filtering Redux Data
  • Sorting Redux Data
  • Section Intro: Connecting React and Redux
  • Organizing Redux
  • The Higher Order Component
  • Connecting Store and Component with React-Redux
  • Rendering Individual Expenses
  • Controlled Inputs for Filters
  • Dropdown for Picking SortBy
  • Creating Expense Add/Edit Form
  • Setting up a Date Picker
  • Wiring up Add Expense
  • Wiring up Edit Expense
  • Redux Dev Tools
  • Filtering by Dates
  • Section Intro: Testing React Components
  • Setting up Jest
  • Testing Expenses Action Generators
  • Testing Filters Action Generators
  • Testing Expenses Selector
  • Testing Filters Reducer
  • Testing Expenses Reducer
  • Snapshot Testing
  • Enzyme
  • Snapshot Testing with Dynamic Components
  • Mocking Libraries with Jest
  • Testing User Interaction
  • Test Spies
  • Testing AddExpensePage
  • Testing EditExpensePage
  • Testing ExpenseListFilters
  • Testing ExpenseListFilters: Part II
  • Section Intro: Deploying Your Apps
  • Installing Git
  • What is Git?
  • Integrating Git into Our Project
  • Setting up SSH and Github
  • Production Webpack
  • Creating Separate CSS Files
  • A Production Web Server with Express
  • Deploying with Heroku
  • Regular vs Development Dependencies
  • New Feature Workflow
  • Build It: Adding Total Selector
  • Build It: Adding Summary Component
  • Section Intro: Firebase 101
  • Getting Firebase
  • Writing to the Database
  • ES6 Promises
  • Promises with Firebase
  • Removing Data from Firebase
  • Updating Data
  • Fetching Data from Firebase
  • Array Data in Firebase: Part I
  • Array Data in Firebase: Part II
  • Section Intro: Firebase with Redux
  • Asynchronous Redux Actions
  • Testing Async Redux Actions: Part I
  • Testing Async Redux Actions: Part II
  • Creating a Separate Test Database
  • Heroku Environment Variables
  • Fetching Expenses: Part I
  • Fetching Expenses: Part II
  • Remove Expense
  • Update Expense
  • Section Intro: Firebase Authentication
  • Login Page and Google Authentication
  • Logging Out
  • Redirecting Login or Logout
  • The Auth Reducer
  • Private Only Routes
  • Public Only Routes
  • Private Firebase Data
  • Data Validation and Deployment
  • Section Intro: Styling Expensify App
  • Styling Login Page
  • Styling Buttons
  • Styling Summary Area
  • Styling List Filters
  • Styling Inputs
  • Styling Expense Form
  • Styling Expenses List: Part I
  • Styling Expenses List: Part II
  • Adding Loader
  • Babel Polyfill
  • Final Deployment
  • Section Into: What Now?
  • Creating the Final Boilerplate
  • Expensify App Enhancements
  • Indecision App Enhancements
  • New App Idea: Blog
  • Until Next Time
  • Section Intro
  • Using Create React App
  • The useState Hook
  • useState vs. setState
  • Complex State with useState
  • The useEffect Hook
  • useEffect Dependencies
  • Cleaning up Effects
  • The useReducer Hook
  • The Context API & useContext Hook: Part I
  • The Context API & useContext Hook: Part II
  • Fragments
  • Creating Custom Hooks


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