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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Welcome to the course, "Basics of Android Developer" where you will learn about Android development in which you will know how to develop Android programs and apps. This course is explained in a very concise and comprehensive way and designed in such a way everyone can take this course as it is created from the basic to advanced level in detail. 

The aim of the course is to make you understand the benefits and usefulness of Android and people who want to explore their knowledge further. All the features and components are given step by step. Nowadays Android is very much known to all so if you are interested you can become a pro by taking this course. 

This course covers everything including latest versions and latest features.  You will learn many things in this course in very detail

You don't need any basic  for taking this course as this course is designed in such a way you can take this course even if you have zero knowledge about this course. 

This course is for all the Android users who want to further understand data separation, Systems engineers, computer science engineering students, and anyone who is very much dedicated and interested can take this course. 

Take this course if you become an Android developer. 

Take this course if you want to start with programming in general and become a pro in developing android apps. 

This course will provide you with a great build up of your concepts which will make you prepare for a great career in today's world and will give you a bright upcoming future. So dive into this course without thinking twice.

Course Content

Total: 104 lectures
  • Why Android?
  • The Open Handset Alliance
  • The Android Execution Environment
  • Components of an Android Application
  • Android Activity Lifecycle
  • Android Service Lifecycle
  • How This Book Fits Together
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment
  • Creating an Android Development Environment
  • Starting a New Android Application: HelloWorld
  • Writing HelloWorld
  • Running HelloWorld
  • MicroJobs: This Book’s Main Sample Application
  • Android and Social Networking
  • Downloading the MJAndroid Code
  • A Brief Tour of the MJAndroid Code
  • First Steps: Building and Running the MicroJobs Application
  • Loading and Starting the Application
  • Digging a Little Deeper: What Can Go Wrong?
  • Running an Application on the T-Mobile Phone
  • Initialization Parameters in AndroidManifest.xml
  • Initialization in MicroJobs.java
  • More Initialization of MicroJobs.java
  • The Tools
  • Eclipse Java Editor
  • Java Errors
  • The Debugger
  • Logcat
  • Android Debug Bridge (adb)
  • DDMS: Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
  • Traceview
  • Application Setup in the Manifest File
  • Finding the Source to an Interesting Example
  • Custom Title Demo
  • Linkify Demo
  • Adding Your Own Examples to ApiDemos
  • Test Your Application
  • Create and Attach an Icon and Label
  • Clean Up for Release
  • Version Your Application
  • Obtaining a Signing Certificate and API Key
  • Signing Your Application
  • Retesting Your Application
  • Publishing on Android Market
  • Signing Up As an Android Developer
  • Databases
  • Basic Structure of the MicroJobsDatabase Class
  • Reading Data from the Database
  • Modifying the Database
  • Content Providers
  • Introducing NotePad
  • Content Providers
  • Consuming a Content Provider
  • Location-Based Services
  • Mapping
  • The Google Maps Activity
  • The MapView and MapActivity
  • Working with MapViews
  • Location Without Maps
  • Android GUI Architecture
  • Assembling a Graphical Interface
  • Wiring Up the Controller
  • Android Views
  • ViewGroups
  • Layouts
  • Rolling Your Own Widgets
  • Layout
  • Canvas Drawing
  • Drawables
  • Bitmaps
  • Bling
  • Shadows, Gradients, and Filters
  • Animation
  • OpenGL Graphics
  • Intents: Simple, Low-Overhead IPC
  • Intent Objects Used in Inter-Process Communication
  • Activity Objects and Navigating the User Interface Hierarchy
  • Example: An Intent to Pick How We Say “Hello World”
  • Getting a Result via Inter-Process Communication
  • Remote Methods and AIDL
  • Android Interface Definition Language
  • Classes Underlying AIDL-Generated Interfaces
  • Publishing an Interface
  • Android IPC Compared with Java Native Interface (JNI)
  • What Binder Doesn’t Do
  • Quick and Easy Phone Calls
  • Creating an Example Application to Run the call Method
  • Embedding the Code Snippet in a Simple Application
  • Exploring the Phone Code Through the Debugger
  • Creating an Instance of an Intent
  • Adding Data to an Instance of an Intent
  • Initiating a Phone Call
  • Exception Handling
  • Android Application-Level Modularity and Telephony
  • Operations Offered by the android.telephony Package
  • Package Summary
  • Limitations on What Applications Can Do with the Phone
  • Limitations on What Applications Can Do with the Phone
  • Example: Determining the State of a Call
  • Android Telephony Internals
  • Inter-Process Communication and AIDL in the android.internal.telephony Package
  • The android.internal.telephony Package
  • The android.internal.telephony.gsm Package
  • Exploring Android Telephony Internals


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