What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Beekeeping is the practice of keeping honeybees in hives for the purpose of harvesting honey, beeswax, and other products. This course provides a comprehensive overview of beekeeping and covers topics such as the biology and behavior of honeybees, hive management, honey production, and marketing of bee products. Students will gain hands-on experience in setting up and maintaining hives, extracting honey, and handling bees safely. This course is suitable for anyone interested in beekeeping as a hobby or a business, and no prior experience is required.

In addition to the practical skills and knowledge required for beekeeping, the course also covers the importance of bees in the ecosystem, their role in pollination, and the current challenges facing bee populations. Students will learn about the different species of bees and their characteristics, as well as the tools and equipment needed for beekeeping.

The course also provides an in-depth understanding of hive management, including the process of selecting, setting up, and maintaining hives throughout the year. Students will learn about the different types of hives and frames, as well as the best practices for feeding, disease prevention, and colony management. They will also learn about the lifecycle of bees and how to identify and control pests and diseases.

The course also includes practical training in honey extraction, bottling, and labeling, as well as an overview of other bee products such as beeswax, propolis, and royal jelly. Students will learn about the different methods of harvesting honey, including traditional and modern techniques, and will gain an understanding of the quality standards and regulations for honey production and marketing.

Overall, the Beekeeping course provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of beekeeping, covering both theoretical and practical aspects of the field. It is suitable for anyone interested in starting a hobby or a business in beekeeping, as well as for those who want to learn more about the role of bees in the ecosystem and the challenges facing bee populations today.

Course Content

Total: 93 lectures
  • Understanding the relationship between bees and pollination
  • Profiting from a gold mine
  • Coping with bee stings
  • Making a hobby of beekeeping
  • Bees and learning
  • Master chemists
  • Researching honey-bees
  • Becoming a beekeeper
  • The world is your oyster
  • Considering the colony as a single organism
  • Bee development
  • Queen bees
  • Worker bees
  • Drone bees
  • The politics of the hive, or ‘who tells whom what to do?
  • The birth of a queen
  • Colony nest requirements
  • The beekeeper’s role
  • Producing honey
  • Collecting pollen
  • Harvesting royal jelly
  • Producing beeswax
  • Collecting propolis
  • Producing venom
  • Harvesting silk
  • Acquiring beehives
  • Choosing the type of beehive
  • Buying second-hand hives
  • Obtaining new hives or making your own
  • Acquiring other beekeeping equipment
  • Clothing
  • Obtaining bees
  • Acquiring gentle bees
  • Starting beekeeping: a summary
  • Acquiring the equipment
  • When to obtain your bees
  • What next?
  • Positioning your hives
  • Arranging insurance in rural and urban areas
  • Your bees arrive
  • Starting in the springtime
  • Swarming
  • Supersedure
  • Building up the colony
  • Taking your bees to harvest
  • Supering up
  • Harvesting honey
  • Extracting the honey
  • Analysing your extracted honey
  • Dealing with the aftermath
  • Producing comb honey
  • Granulated and creamed honey
  • Inspecting the hive post-harvest
  • Marketing honey
  • Laying workers
  • Coping with aggressive colonies
  • Dealing with robber bees
  • Uniting colonies
  • Preventing spray damage
  • Moving hives
  • Dealing with queen problems
  • Preparing for winter
  • Making feed mixes
  • Storing sugar syrup
  • The spring start
  • Managing diseases and pests
  • Wax moth
  • Brood diseases
  • Other brood problems
  • Adult bee diseases
  • Other pests and disorders
  • Yet other pests
  • Why rear your own queens?
  • Choosing the time of year to re-queen
  • Queen rearing: an outline
  • Preparing the larvae
  • Moving the larvae
  • Rearing queens: methods
  • Inducing supersedure
  • Marking your queens
  • Marking your queens
  • Assessing queen cells
  • Assessing queens
  • Keeping records
  • Breeding queens
  • Practical bee breeding
  • A bee breeding system: an example
  • Pollination
  • Harvesting other products of the hive
  • Going organic
  • Making a career in beekeeping
  • Beekeeping around the world
  • Finale


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