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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

If you are here to learn GraphQL in practical ways, you came to the correct course. This course will get you up and running with GraphQL very fast and you will get to know the core knowledge to understand the topic in depth.

After finishing this course, you will be capable of writing GraphQL queries as shown in Promo and also will be able to deploy your GraphQL-Spring Boot Application to Heroku, a Cloud Platform.

In this course you will deal with the introduction to GraphQL. You will learn how to create the application shells, how to work with static data, what are the solutions to the challenges faced by the students, what are the types of relationships in GraphQL, what are the basic mutations, separating Models, Schemes and resolvers. You will be taught here, how to install MySQL and Workbench, how to serve Data from the Database, how to update GraphQL Resolvers to use the Database and how to add CORS to GraphQL. You will also get started with React and GraphQL. You are going to learn many other topics other than these like in details:

  • Cloudinary
  • Custom Scalars
  • Wrapping Up the Application to Display a Profile Image
  • Wrapping Up the Application to Display a Profile Image
  • User Registration via React and GraphQL
  • User Login via React and GraphQL
  • Creating the Final Profile to Display a Profile Image via React and GraphQL

You will require nothing but a good knowledge of modern JavaScript, including ES6+ and NodeJS. Some knowledge of Express and Reacts are preferable but not compulsorily required as here it is coveted from the basic to the mastery.

This course is for anyone who want to learn GraphQL, any programming enthusiasts, students pursuing computer science or any JavaScript developers looking to learn GraphQL.

Here you are going to learn everything from scratch with zero prior knowledge. It will provide you with real life examples and step wise guidance which will help you get the right results. Moreover, you will master this course in a very short span of time and get many job opportunities which will make your future more secure. So, enroll your name in this course now.

Course Content

Total: 42 lectures
  • Introduction to GraphQL
  • Creating the application shell
  • Basic GraphQL Queries and Types
  • Additional basic GraphQL Queries
  • GraphQL Queries with Parameters
  • Student Challenge - create your own GraphQL Type
  • Solution to the Student Challenge
  • Type Relationships in GraphQL
  • Student Challenge: Create a type relationship
  • Solution to the Student Challenge
  • Basic mutations
  • Basic mutations – continued
  • Separating Models, Schemas and Resolvers
  • Separating Models, Schemas and Resolvers – continued
  • Installing MySQL and Workbench
  • Serving Data from the Database
  • Updating GraphQL Resolvers to use the Database
  • Updating GraphQL Resolvers to use the Database – continued
  • Adding CORS to GraphQL
  • Getting started with React and GraphQL
  • Finishing up with the React and GraphQL application
  • Installing the necessary dependencies
  • Preparing the model for authentication
  • Registering a user via GraphQL
  • Creating A JSON Web Token via GraphQL
  • Adding authorisation via GraphQL
  • Introduction to Cloudinary
  • Uploading images via GraphQL
  • Using Custom Scalars and Serving Images
  • Using Pug as a Templating System with Express and GraphQL
  • Accessing GraphQL Query Data From Pug - part 1
  • Wrapping Up the Application to Display a Profile Image
  • Wrapping Up the Application to Display a Profile Image
  • Creating the shell of the application
  • User Registration via React and GraphQL
  • User Login via React and GraphQL
  • Displaying a User Profile in React Using GraphQL
  • Enhancing the User Profile
  • Creating a Logout Functionality using React and GraphQL
  • File (Image) Upload in the Backend (Node.js)
  • File (Image) Uloading using the Frontend (React, Cloudinary, GraphQL)
  • Creating the Final Profile to Display a Profile Image via React and GraphQL


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