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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking


PostgreSQL 12 upgrades incorporate prominent enhancements to question execution, especially over bigger informational indexes, and by and large space use. This delivery furnishes application designers with new capacities, for example, SQL/JSON way articulation uphold, improvements for how basic table articulation (WITH) inquiries are executed and create segments. The PostgreSQL people group keeps on supporting the extensibility and strength of PostgreSQL, with additional options to internationalization, confirmation and giving simpler approaches to administrate PostgreSQL. This delivery additionally presents the pluggable table stockpiling interface, which permits engineers to make their own techniques for putting away information.

PostgreSQL is the world's most progressive open-source information base, with a worldwide network of thousands of clients, patrons, organizations and associations. The PostgreSQL Project expands on more than 30 years of designing, beginning at the University of California, Berkeley, and has proceeded with an unrivalled speed of advancement. PostgreSQL's adult list of capabilities matches top restrictive information base frameworks, however, surpasses them in cutting edge information base highlights, extensibility, security, and dependability.

Course details

This Certification surveys and confirms a database professional’s information to perform progressed obligations regarding keeping up and overseeing EDB Postgres Advanced Server workers and applications effectively in a creative climate. On the fruitful finish, you will get a customized PDF accreditation from EDB and an identification that can be shown anyplace, for example, LinkedIn.


  1. Partner level confirmation
  2. Progressed PostgreSQL course

Course Content

Total: 90 lectures
  • What Is PostreSQL?
  • History of PostgreSQL
  • Conventions
  • Installation
  • Architectural Fundamentals
  • Creating a Database
  • Accessing a Database
  • Introduction
  • Concepts
  • Creating a New Table
  • Populating a Table with Rows
  • Querying a Table
  • Joins Between Tables
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Updates
  • Deletions
  • Introduction
  • Views
  • Foreign Keys
  • Transactions
  • Window Functions
  • Inheritance
  • SQL Syntax
  • Data Definition
  • Data Manipulation
  • Queries
  • Data Types
  • Functions and Operators
  • Type Conversion
  • Indexes
  • Full Text Search
  • Concurrency Control
  • Performance Tips
  • Parallel Query
  • Installation from Source Code
  • Installation from Source Code on Windows
  • Server Setup and Operation
  • Server Configuration
  • Client Authentication
  • Database Roles
  • Managing Databases
  • Localization
  • Routine Database Maintenance Tasks
  • Backup and Restore
  • High Availability, Load Balancing , and Replication
  • Monitoring Database Activity
  • Monitoring Disk Usage
  • Reliability and the Write-Ahead Log
  • Logical Replication
  • Just-in-Time Compilation
  • Regression Tests
  • Libpq- C Library
  • Large Objects
  • ECPG - Embedded SQL in C
  • The Information Schema
  • Extending SQL
  • Triggers
  • Event Triggers
  • The Rule System
  • Procedural Languages
  • PL/pgSQL - SQL Procedural Language
  • PL/Tel - Tel Procedural Language
  • PL/Perl - Perl Procedural Language
  • PL/Python - Python Procedural Language
  • Server Programming Interface
  • Background Worker Processes
  • Logical Decoding
  • Replication Progress Tracking
  • SQL Commands
  • PostgreSQL Client Applications
  • PostgreSQL Server Applications
  • Overview of PostgreSQL Internals
  • System Catalogs
  • Fronted/Backend Protocol
  • PostgreSQL Coding Conventions
  • Native Language Support
  • Writing a Procedural Language Handler
  • Writing a Foreign Data Wrapper
  • Writing a Table Sampling Method
  • Writing a Custom Scan Provider
  • Genetic WAL Records
  • B-Tree Indexes
  • GiST Indexes
  • SP-GiST Indexes
  • GIN Indexes
  • BRIN Indexes
  • Hash Indexes
  • Database Physical Storage
  • System Catalog Declarations and Initial Contents
  • How the Planner Uses Statistics


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