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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

If you are here to learn Selenium Web driver with the tint touch of Java, you are welcome to this course. You will learn these topics in detail from basic to advanced levels. So, if you don't have any prior knowledge, you can take this course easily. Enroll in this course to get an overview of the whole topic in detail.

In this course you will learn from the very basic concepts of Java Programming like JDK, writing conditional statements, loops, types of loops, operators in java, and many other things. You are also going to learn the basics of strings, and other strings like:

  • Comparing Strings
  • Searching Strings
  • Slicing Strings
  • Replacing Strings
  • Converting Strings

Here, you will be taught about Object oriented programming in which you will learn about classes and objects, data encapsulation, static keyword, and main method.  Moreover, here you are going to have a great knowledge in Java which provides you with a better deep understanding. You will be discussing here how to work with text files, what are Apache commons, and how to work with excel files. After discussing all these in detail, you are introduced to Selenium Web driver in which you will learn about:

  • WebDriver Architecture
  • Chrome Driver Setup
  • Update: ChromeDriver Download
  • Firefox (Gecko) Driver Setup
  • Update: GeckoDriver Download

You will also know how to locate elements, XPath, iframes and many other things.

It is a very vast course but it is easy to learn and you can access this course for a lifetime.

This course is for Manual Testers, anyone who wants to learn how to test web applications, Test Managers, or fresh graduates who want to make a dream career in software engineering.

On completion of the course, you will be pro Selenium Automation Testing and you can implement this knowledge in your workplace successfully and also you will have a high paying job.

You are going to learn everything from scratch with zero prior knowledge. It will provide you with real life examples and step wise guidance which will help you get the right results. Moreover, you will master this course in a concise span of time and get many job opportunities which will make your future more secure. So, enroll your name in this course now.


Course Content

Total: 185 lectures
  • Introduction
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) Installation
  • Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Installation
  • Writing your First Java Program
  • Primitive Data Types in Java
  • Arithmetic Operators in Java
  • Logical and Bitwise Operators in Java
  • Relational Operators in Java
  • Conditional Statements – If Condition
  • Conditional Statements – Nested If Condition
  • Loops – For Loop
  • For Loop – Hands-On Exercise
  • Loops - Nested For
  • Nested For Loop – Hands-On Exercise
  • Loops – While and Do While
  • Loops – Break and Continue
  • String Basics
  • Comparing Strings
  • Searching Strings
  • Slicing Strings
  • Replacing Strings
  • Converting Strings
  • What is Class and Object-
  • Class and Object – Hands-on Exercise 1
  • Methods in Java
  • Method Overloading
  • Access Specifiers - Modifiers
  • Constructor
  • Data Encapsulation
  • Static Keyword
  • Main Method
  • Class and Object – Hands-on Exercise 2
  • Math Class
  • StringBuilder Class
  • StringBuilder Method
  • Scanner Class
  • Random Class
  • Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) Class
  • var Keyword
  • Concept of Garbage Collector (GC) and Java 10 Update in GC
  • Other Updates in Java 10
  • Class Inheritance
  • Method Overriding
  • Polymorphism
  • Super Keyword
  • Superclass Constructor
  • Protected Access Specifier
  • Abstraction
  • Interface
  • Final Keyword
  • What is an Array-
  • Array Object
  • Enhanced For Loop for Array Iteration
  • Array – Hands-on Exercise
  • Two-dimensional (2D) Array
  • Two-dimensional (2D) Array – Hands-on Exercise
  • Array of Object
  • ArrayList
  • Structure of a Linked List
  • LinkedList Class
  • ArrayList versus LinkedList
  • ListIterator
  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • TreeSet
  • Iterating on Sets
  • HashMap
  • TreeMap
  • Iterating on Maps
  • Introduction to Regular Expressions (Regex)
  • Quantifiers
  • Character Classes
  • Bracket Expressions
  • OR Operator in Regular Expressions (Regex)
  • Dot Operator in Regular Expressions (Regex)
  • Greedy and Lazy Matching
  • Regular Expressions (Regex) – Hands-on Exercise 1
  • Regular Expressions (Regex) – Hands-on Exercise 2
  • Regularizing Number Ranges
  • What is an Exception-
  • Error versus Exception
  • Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
  • Throws Declaration
  • Try and Catch Block - Exception Handling
  • Finally Block
  • Local Date and Time
  • Custom Date and Time
  • Future and Past Date
  • Future and Past Time
  • Date Difference
  • Time Difference
  • Date–Time Formatter
  • Reading Text File Using Apache Commons Input/Output (IO)
  • Editing Text File Using Apache Commons Input/Output (IO)
  • Interview Question – Sorting a Line from a Text File
  • Copying and Moving Text Files
  • Interview Exercise - Removing Duplicate Words from a Text File
  • Module Introduction
  • Reading Excel using Poor Obfuscation Implementation (POI)
  • Reading Excel Data in Two-dimensional (2D) Array
  • Writing Excel using Poor Obfuscation Implementation (POI)
  • WebDriver Architecture
  • Creating a Maven Project
  • Configuring Selenium WebDriver with Maven
  • ChromeDriver Setup
  • Update: ChromeDriver Download
  • Firefox (Gecko) Driver Setup
  • Update: GeckoDriver Download
  • Automating Browser Navigation (Back, Forward, Refresh, Navigate To)
  • Getting Page Basic Details (URL, Title, and so on)
  • HTML Basics
  • Inspecting WebElements
  • Finding Elements by ID and Link Text
  • Finding Elements by Name and Class
  • ChroPath for Chrome
  • Creating XPath Using Attributes
  • Creating XPath Using Text
  • XPath for Dynamic Elements
  • XPath Using Parent–Child Relationship
  • XPath Using Ancestor–Descendant Relationship
  • XPath Using Preceding–Following Relationship
  • Absolute XPath versus Relative XPath
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors
  • Creating Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors Using Attributes
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors for Dynamic Elements
  • Creating Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors Using Multiple Attributes
  • Advance Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors
  • Creating Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Selectors Using Child-Node Numbering
  • Retrieving a Collection of WebElements
  • Handling the WebElements Collection
  • Visible versus Hidden WebElements
  • WebElements within another WebElement
  • Getting Basic Details
  • Getting Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Details
  • Verifying if an Element is Visible and Enabled
  • Verifying if an Element Exists
  • Verifying if an Element is Selected
  • Working with Select Boxes
  • Working with Multi Select Boxes
  • Working with Datepicker
  • Working with Web Tables
  • Handling Objects within the Web Table Cells
  • Handling Browser Pop-ups
  • Working with Multiple Browser Windows
  • Closing all Browser Pop-up Windows
  • versus Quit
  • iFrames
  • Nested iFrames
  • JavaScript Basic Alert Box
  • JavaScript Confirm Box
  • JavaScript Prompt Box
  • Mouse Hover
  • Right Click
  • Drag and Drop
  • Resizing UI Elements
  • Slider
  • Multi-key Operations
  • What is Test Synchronization-
  • Implicit Wait
  • Explicit Wait
  • Installing TestNG
  • Automating the First Test in TestNG
  • Assertions in TestNG
  • Hard versus Soft Assertions in TestNG
  • Installing the Vue CLI and Creating a New Project
  • @BeforeClass and @AfterClass Annotations
  • Managing Test Execution Using TestNG XML Files
  • Including and Excluding Methods in an XML File
  • @BeforeTest and @AfterTest Annotations
  • @BeforeSuite and @AfterSuite Annotations
  • Page Factory
  • Elements Collection (List) in Page Factory
  • Initializing Page Factory Elements
  • Page Object Model (POM)
  • Creating Base Class
  • Creating Page Library
  • Creating Flow Library
  • TestNG Groups
  • TestNG Parameters
  • Managing Test Dependencies in TestNG
  • Ignoring Test Methods in TestNG
  • Parallel Execution in TestNG
  • TestNG Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Reports
  • Data Provider in TestNG
  • Concluding Remarks


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