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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • On-demand video*
  • E-Book
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Welcome to the course, " Introduction to Law"   where you will be introduced with a brief analysis and introduction towards Law and this course provides you a mutual understanding of legal Systems with unique reference to Indian Practice. If you are interested in becoming a lawyer then this course will give you an introductory part. 

In this course you will learn about how to respect our Constitution, what is the definition of  Law, what are the types  of Law, what is the relationship,  Municipal law. You will also know about the sources of International Law and the 

Recognition of nation states. You will just need a desire and an internet to take this course

This course is for anyone who wants to learn law and wants to be a lawyer, aspirants, for indian civil service exam this topic will be needed. 

You will be provided with a discussion on this topic with concepts which are easy and comprehensive. This course gives a lifetime access for you to learn anytime. You will also get a certificate by taking a course which will help you in any interviews. When you will be in the urge of finishing this course you will give a solid basis on this topic. So don't wait and jump into this course and get started.

Course Content

Total: 94 lectures
  • What Is Law?
  • Roman Law
  • Common Law
  • Ius Commune
  • National States and Codification
  • Legal Families
  • From National to Transnational Laws
  • Sources of Origin
  • Sources of Validity
  • Legislation
  • Treaties
  • Case Law
  • Customary Law
  • Legal Doctrine and Reason
  • Fields of Law
  • Rules, Operative Facts, and Legal Effects
  • Legal Subjects
  • Juridical Acts
  • Duties and Rights
  • Introduction
  • Sources of Contract Law
  • Formation of a Binding Contract
  • The Contents of the Contract
  • Remedies of the Parties
  • Outlook
  • Property Rights and Property Law
  • Why Property Rights?
  • Property Rights in Civil Law and Common Law
  • Primary Rights to Use and for Security
  • Secondary Property Rights
  • Principles of Property Law
  • Creation, Transfer, and Termination of Property Rights
  • European Union Property Law
  • The Domain of Tort
  • The Functions of Tort Law and the Grounds of Tort Liability
  • Liability for One’s Own Fault; the Common Law Approach
  • Liability for One’s Own Fault: The Civil Law Approach
  • Liability for Damage Caused by Other Persons
  • Strict Liability
  • Damage
  • Some Conclusions: Who Is My Neighbor in Law?
  • Introduction: The Nature and Function of Criminal Law
  • Which Conduct Ought to Be Criminal? The Criminalization Debate
  • Theories of Legal Punishment
  • The Structure of a Crime
  • Actus Reus: Commission Versus Omission
  • Mens Rea or the Subjective Element
  • Justifications and Excuses
  • Criminal Attempts
  • Criminal Substantive Law and Criminal Procedural Law
  • The Basic Structure of the Criminal Process
  • Adversarial or Inquisitorial?
  • Basic Principles of Criminal Justice Systems, the Presumption of Innocence
  • Fair Trial and Proportionality
  • State Power Established
  • State Power Constrained
  • State Power Democratized
  • What Is Administrative Law?
  • Public Powers: Rule of Law and Legality Principle
  • Procedural Rules and Substantive Requirements for the Use of Public Power: The General Principles of Administrative Law
  • Judicial Review of Administrative Action
  • Organization of Judicial Review in Administrative Dispute
  • Standing
  • Remedies
  • Introduction
  • From ECSC to EU
  • Sources of EU Law
  • Main Institutions of the EU
  • The Internal Market
  • Limitation of Sovereignty
  • Introduction
  • Participants in the International Legal System
  • Sources of International Law
  • Jurisdiction
  • Characteristics of International Law
  • Trends in the Development of International Law
  • Introduction
  • The Historical Development of the Idea of Human Rights
  • The Uses of Human Rights
  • The Right Holders
  • Duties
  • The Content of the Rights
  • The Boundaries of Human Rights
  • Protection of Human Rights
  • Introduction
  • Institutional Principles
  • Procedural Principles
  • Some General Aspects of Procedures
  • What Is Philosophy of Law?
  • Hart: Law as System
  • Dworkin’s Criticism
  • Fact and Norm
  • Thomas Aquinas: Positive Law and Natural Law
  • Thomas Hobbes: Normative Legal Positivism


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